The process behind ENME pulse surveys and accurate result calculation

ENME survey algorithm and result calculation is not a simple process. It involves sending out different anonymous surveys to company’s employees, collecting data and analyzing it, as well as drawing conclusions and identifying potential improvements.
Why does it take more than 1 week to get accurate results?
It is rather simple. In one week’s pulse survey we can cover only one part of many different components (for example, job security, personal growth and peer relations). ENME employee engagement platform measures 20 different components and uses them to accurately calculate four main KPIs – engagement, satisfaction, loyalty and culture. For these results to be accurate – ENME algorithm needs to cover all 20 components.
How does our algorithm do it? It automatically sorts and distributes short pulse surveys to your employees.
- Each employee receives a weekly survey consisting of 5 questions
- Over the period of 4 weeks, every employee will have answered to the total of 20 different questions covering all ENME components. After that, the cycle will repeat again.
That is exactly why we need 4 weeks for the results to become accurate. For example, if the first survey would be sent on the 1st week of September, then your results would become accurate only after the survey on the 4th week of September.
Important note:
After the 4th survey, the results will be continuously accurate because they are calculated as a 4-week moving average. For example, the 5th week results will be the moving average from results on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th week.
If we wanted to cover all components at once, ENME algorithm would have to send out lengthy surveys with many more questions. Weekly collection with 5-question pulse survey is very efficient because employees receive the least amount of questions that don’t take more than 1 minute.
After the free trial, it is possible to choose custom pulse surveys over the standard weekly 5-question pulse surveys. Custom pulse surveys have two options – 10 questions every 2 weeks or 20 questions once a month. However, weekly surveys have another benefit – they allow you to get the most timely results, which help to notice potential issues and various trends much earlier.
Custom pulse surveys also require that 20 components are measured in order to calculate engagement, satisfaction, loyalty and culture. Therefore, your results will only become accurate when employees will have replied to all 20 questions (one question per variable).
- In case you have decided to run fortnightly surveys of 10 questions each, your results will become accurate after the 2nd survey.
- In case you have decided to run monthly surveys of 20 questions each, the results will become accurate immediately.